The best choice for electronic recycling

ECOTIC is the national reference for recycling waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).

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What is WEEE?

It is waste electrical and electronic equipment and represents a significant challenge for environmental sustainability, and requires that its proper management meet the utmost guarantees.

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What is WEEE?

It is waste electrical and electronic equipment and represents a significant challenge for environmental sustainability, and requires that its proper management meet the utmost guarantees.

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Where can I recycle my WEEE?

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Mi Punto Limpio más cercano

Nombre del punto limpio
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Sustainable digitalisation

A solidarity initiative for the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).

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Otro Final es Posible (Another ending is possible)

An educational campaign to promote the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).

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Other campaings Other campaings

ECOTIC is part of PRONEXA, the leading EPR network in Europe

PRONEXA is the comprehensive solution for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in Europe.

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ECOTIC is part of PRONEXA, the leading EPR network in Europe

PRONEXA is the comprehensive solution for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in Europe.

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